In Astute Observation

With only minutes left before you need to head home to your spouse or significant other… Did you remember to pick up a Valentines card?

If you don’t have one yet forget it. Only the nasty ones are left on the shelves since all the people with true forethought picked their cards up at lunch time. When you get to the card shop the only ones left have messages like: “Be my Valentine!… But first would you mind getting a lice check?”

One of those left over cards will probably not do the trick for you tonight so you should make one out of stuff you can find around the office. Quickly gather up a black pen, red pen, and paper.

Your hand-made valentine card will go over much better than anything you could buy at the store. But here are five tips you can use when constructing your card.

1) Use the red pen to draw several hearts on the paper. Don’t draw anatomically correct hearts. Do a more abstract version that looks cute instead of gushy and throbbing.

2) Put a nice one liner on the card. Something like… “Roses are red, violets are blue. I made this card especially for you.”

Maybe forget the card and just bring donuts

3) be sure to include: “Be my Valentine” on the card

4) On the back in small type in the lower corner write: “(c) 2012 YOUR NAME”. This will clearly show that you made the card and it is your property.

5) If you are really generous and desperate fold up a $100 bill and tape it to the card.

Now get to work… believe me a text just will not work today.


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